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Transitional Housing/Shelter

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Programs that provide extended shelter and supportive services primarily for homeless individuals and/or families with the goal of helping them live independently and transition into permanent housing. Some programs require that the individual/family be transitioning from a short-term emergency shelter. The length of stay varies considerably by program. It is generally longer than two weeks but typically 60 days or more and, in many cases, up to two years or more. The supportive services may be provided directly by the organization managing the housing or may be coordinated by them and provided by other public or private agencies. Transitional housing/shelter is generally provided in apartment style facilities with a higher degree of privacy than short-term homeless shelters; may be provided at no cost to the resident; and may be configured for specialized groups within the homeless population such as people with substance use disorders, a mental illness, AIDS/HIV, who have experienced domestic violence and/or veterans. In some cases, a "transition in place" option allows families to continue living in the same complex (if not the same unit) where their transitional housing unit is located when they are ready to move to permanent housing. In other cases, the permanent housing option is either public housing or private rental housing supported by a tenant-based voucher subsidy. Included are post-domestic violence shelter housing programs that make affordable rental housing (or other accommodations) available to women, generally those who are coming directly out of a domestic violence shelter or other crisis shelter, often in apartment complexes owned by the shelter; and programs that provide transitional housing and support services for other targeted groups such as military and veteran families and others who need a temporary supportive living environment to maintain stability and begin to thrive.

Found 15 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Thru: Open Door Mission, Inc.

Homeless women and their school-aged children.

Coldwater House for Women and Children

240 Coldwater Road
Rochester, NY

Thru: DePaul

Call for information.


1931 Buffalo Road
Rochester, NY

M-F 8:00AM to 4:30PM.

Thru: Community Action Programs Cayuga/Seneca

Varies with program. Call for information.

Community Action Programs Cayuga/Seneca - Auburn

89 York Street
Suite 1
Auburn, NY

Thru: VFW National Home

Families of active-duty military personnel, veterans.

VFW National Home

Eaton Rapids, MI

Thru: Wilson Commencement Park

Ages 18 years and older. Low income, single parent household. Children MUST live with applicant. Must be able to document sources of income and have the ability to pay monthly rent.

Wilson Commencement Park

251 Joseph Avenue
Rochester, NY

M-F 9:00AM-5:00PM.

Thru: Saving Grace Ministries, Inc.

Males age 18 and older recently released from incarceration and are homeless.

Grace House Rochester

1140 Norton Street
Rochester, NY

Thru: Spiritus Christi Prison Outreach

Currently or formerly justice-involved (individuals who have or have had contact or interaction with courts, jails, or prisons including drug-courts, probation, jail, prison, etc.), homeless, 18 years or older, LGBTQIA inclusive.

Spiritus Christi Jennifer House

30 Millbank Street
Rochester, NY

Thru: Outreach Community Center

Must be drug- and alcohol-free. Unfortunately, partners and children cannot be accommodated.

Outreach Community Center

447 Genesee Street
Rochester, NY

24 hours.

Thru: Catholic Charities Finger Lakes

Must be a farm worker within past year.

La Casa Residence

16 Maple Avenue
Sodus, NY

No on-site office hours. Call for more information.

Thru: Spiritus Christi Prison Outreach

Currently or formerly justice-involved (individuals who have or have had contact or interaction with courts, jails, or prisons including drug-courts, probation, jail, prison, etc.), homeless, 18 years or older, LGBTQIA inclusive.

Spiritus Christi Nielsen House

30 Millbank Street
Rochester, NY

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