Elderbus Transportation Program
thru: Fairport Baptist Homes Caring Ministries
• Offers transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping, errands, etc. through the senior ride program.
Eligibility: Ages 60 years and older or disabled of any age. Resident of area served.
Application Process: Call to setup ride.
Required Documentation: None.
Fees: Suggested donation: $3.00 one way; $5.00 round trip inside the towns of Fairport or Perinton. For residents of Fairport or Perinton to travel outside of either town: $8 one way; $16.00 round trip plus parking.
Coverage Note: Town of Perinton and Town of Fairport.
This program is offered here:
Fairport Baptist Homes Caring Ministries

4646 Nine Mile Point Road
Fairport NY 14450
Fairport NY 14450
24 hours.
Robin Casella
Transportation Coordinator