Penfield Ambulance

provided by Penfield Ambulance

Map Marker 1

Penfield Ambulance

1585 Jackson Road
Penfield NY 14526
24 hours.

* Provides volunteer ambulance services to the community. 

* Hosts trainings and community events, including First Aid, CPR, Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training, community blood pressure clinics, first aid standby at community events. 

* Maintains a loan cupboard for the use of walkers, canes and crutches to those in need. 

Eligibility: Resident of area served.

Application Process: Emergencies: call 911.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: Third Party Insurance.

Coverage Note: Town of Penfield.


Penfield Ambulance provides volunteer ambulance services.