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Basic Needs

Employment and Education

Resources relating to employment, jobs, and careers as well as places that will help prepare people for the future through education at every stage of life.

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? Category Definition

One Stop Career Centers

  • Places that will help with many aspects of bettering job prospects in a single location: qualifying for a better job, interviewing, understanding career options, etc.

Discrimination Assistance

  • Legal help for members of a protected class (based on race, religion, sexual orientation, etc) who have been unfairly held back in a job.


  • Places that will take fingerprints that can be used for applying for jobs that require them.

Job Assistance Programs

  • Help with finding and getting a job that matches a person's skills.

State Disability Insurance

  • State and federal programs for covered workers who were injured and have reduced ability to work.

State Unemployment Insurance

  • Temporary partial income replacement for eligible individuals who become unemployed.

Vocational Rehabilitation

  • Job training and employment help for those who would otherwise have difficulty entering the workforce due to disability, addiction, or other issues.

Dropout Prevention

  • Help with keeping young people in school as well as programs for those wanting to finish K-12 programs as adults.

Learning Assistance

  • Help with learning for those who have a disadvantage due to life situation, language issues, past failure in school, or other issues.

Special Education Assessment

  • Formal assessments for learning potential and difficulties so a person can be best matched with a program to overcome it.

Healthcare Employment Preparation

  • Programs specializing in preparing workers for healthcare, EMT, medical records, counselors and other careers.

School Enrollment

  • Help with placing children in the most appropriate school for their needs.

Citizenship Education

  • Help preparing for the testing and process to become a US citizen.

Continuing Education

  • Occupational and general education for adults in programs geared for those working full time or returning to school after a gap.

Employment Preparation

  • Places that provide services to those looking to get ready for a job: coaching, alternatives to school, counseling, resume help, and more.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

  • Classes to help people learn or improve a language that is not their native one.

Charter Schools

  • Schools typically outside the regular school system that provide learning in an alternative format or with a particular subject focus.

Community Colleges

  • Post 12th grade education that is local and generally not attended by living there full time. Often offering 2-year degrees and focusing on job preparation.

Head Start

  • Federally-funded child development program that helps to create the same opportunities for success for children despite low household income or disability.

Montessori Schools

  • Private schools that follow the Montessori method of teaching children: one where children are taught self-control and immersion in topics of their own interest.

Parochial Schools

  • Private schools funded by tuition and private money rather than public taxes.

Private Day Schools

  • Private schools funded by tuition and private money rather than public taxes where students do not board overnight.

Public Schools

  • Schools that are free and open to all children, funded through taxes.

Pre-K Schools

  • Schools children attend before Kindergarten or Grade 1 with the aim of socialization and preparation for grade school.